Flower arrangement experience Sakura plan


clock2 hours


    I would like you to experience the impression experience with high quality makeup and photography technology.

    I want to meet everyone's best smile.

    Impressive taste by wearing a kimono.

    Through various Japanese clothing experiences such as Maiko experience, flower arrangement experience, kimono rental

    Touch the Japanese culture, the taste of Kyoto, and make your day in Kyoto a great reminder

    We will make everyone's dream come true in an unusual space.

    In Kyoto, Arashiyama full of taste that beautiful nature of each season weaves

    Pretty, beautiful, cool ...

    Make a moment of happiness into one of your memories.

    Every time I look back, my mind moves, and I feel such feelings in Kyoto, I leave such a photo.

What to Expect


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Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation