Kruger Park 2-day Safari from Maputo

(15 Reviews )


clock2 days


    Tours Maputo offers a Kruger experience of the highest quality. Clients are picked up in Maputo and taken in air-conditioned comfort to the Kruger Park gate. Our driver assists travellers with the border processes.
    Once at the Kruger Gate travellers change to the unique open-backed safari vehicle and the experienced and accredited nature guide takes guests on an unforgettable and education experience with sightings of the Big Five frequent in this populated area of the park.
    In the evening travellers will recharge their energy at our famed accommodation partner before an early start the following morning
    At the end of the day we bring travellers safely back to Maputo after a long but truly exhilarating day

What to Expect


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Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation
