Magic Christmas Tour in Maputo


clock2 hours


    Discover the wonderful Maputo during the best season of the year. This exclusive tour takes you to a hidden gem: Christma’s version of Maputo.
    You will explore a coastal and an industrial city, an icon from Africa which especially brights for the magical season.
    Get ready to visit the most beautiful craft pieces, fresh markets with a variety of fruits and flowers, and of course, the cleanest beach at Inhaca Islands.
    What is the story of Casa de Ferro- Who constructed Maputo’s Train Station to the world- Have you heard about Inhaca Islands or the Maputo–Katembe bridge- What local products are must taste at Christmas at the Municipal market-
    You will hear miraculous Christmas tales about The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. You will visit the Museu dos CFM, Museu de Historia Natural, and FEIMA - Crafts, Flowers and Gastronomy Fair of Maputo.
    Fill your heart with the joy and experience the magic of Maputo, Mozambique.

What to Expect


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