MTB - The Bandits Trail - 45km - Intermediate Level


clock4 hours


    This circular route takes us along some of the old hillside trails and paths which ran between the secret caves and hiding places of Andalucia’s famous 19th century bandits. Back then, they used these “Rutas de los Bandoleros“ to evade the attentions of the authorities but the trails serve us better these days as superb cross-country mountain biking and hiking routes.

    This ride begins with a climb from Ronda up high into the hills above the village of Arriate. We will pass many well known bodegas which produce some fine local wines and enjoy fantastic panoramas over the valley of the Serrania de Ronda. The Natural Parks of Sierra de Grazalema and Sierra de las Nieves are also visible on the horizon. We then drop down into the river valley to visit the picturesque village of Setenil de las Bodegas, with its unusual cave houses, where we normally take a short refreshment break before returning up through open countryside and farmland to Ronda. Note: This route includes long ascents.

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