Private transport from Tirana to Podgorica, Montenegro


clock3 hours


    Go as Local offers you Private Transport in Albania from Tirana to Podgorica, Montenegro with challenging price, unquestionable comfort, and unforgettable experience, better than any Taxi in Albania or Transportation in Montenegro.

    If you are in Tirana and looking forward to traveling to Montenegro and visiting Podgorica we may assist in a very comfortable way to get there. Our drivers take care of everything so you do not have to worry about anything. You choose the time of departure and we pick you up from anywhere near Tirana.

    Safety, comfort, and flexibility are what we can give you. You can customize the route to your destination with several stops and places to visit, or if you are looking for a more detailed experience choose one of our Day Tours in Albania and you would get a really unique about the Albanian Culture, Places and People.

What to Expect


Additional Info

Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation