Retracing the Footsteps of Slaves (Ghana, Togo and Benin)


clock3 days


    Between the 15th to the 19th century, around 12 million African men, women and children were enslaved, transported to the Americas and forced to work in plantations, construction and domestic homes. Over 30% of these people passed through the ports of Ghana, Togo and Benin. Fast forward to today, these same coastal areas provide visitors with opportunities to learn about the slave trade and the impact it has had on this region of West Africa, by visiting former slave-trading outposts and forts, historic sites, monuments, and museums. Our educational Tour can begin in either Ghana, Benin or Togo, and highlights include: the Cape Coast Castle and Elmina Castle (UNESCO World Heritage Sites), the La Maison des Exclaves, which was built for the purpose of illegally operating a slave trade that had already been abolished long before its construction. Tour of Ouida (the History Museum, the Route of the Slaves; the Point of No Return, etc) and the cities of Lome, Cotonou, and Porto Novo.

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