Sofia Full Day Tour

(1 Reviews )


clock8 hours


    Visit Boyana Church, Historical Museum, St.Alexander Nevski Memorial church, St. Sofia church, St. George Rotunda

    Sofia is the contemporary capital of Bulgaria. Its population grew rapidly during the Communist-Socialist era (1944-1989) - at the time of its liberation from the Turks in 1878, the population of the city was 11,649 inhabitants and for a few decades after that the city experienced large population growth mainly from other regions of the country.During World War 2, Sofia was bombed by allied air crafts in late 1943 and early 1944. As a consequence of the invasion of the Soviet Red Army, Bulgaria's government, which was allied with Germany, was overthrown.The transformations of Bulgaria into a People's Republic in 1946 and Republic of Bulgaria marked significant changes in the city's appearance

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