To explore Angkor Wat for 3 days

(1 Reviews )


clock3 days


    Day 1 : Start at 4.50 am for Sunrise at Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom( Bayon,Baphuon, Phimeanakas, Elephant Terrace, Leper King Terrace, Suor Prat) and Ta Prohm Temple.

    Day 2 : Start at 8.00 am. Preah Khan, Neak Pean, East Mebon, Banteay Samre and Banteay Srey Temple.

    Day 3 : Start at 8.00 am. Beng Mealea Temple and Floating Viillage

    All of our tour guides and drivers are licensed and years in experience and they are very honest in their career. This whole program of three days is a combination of the main and must see places in Siem Reap.
    You will be able to realize the real taste of Cambodia when you come with us.

What to Expect


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