Transport of Fishermen to Lake Balbina - AM (ROUND TRIP)


clock1 to 6 days


    Amazonas is one of the main Sport Fishing destinations in the world, for those who are looking to enjoy a unique experience, and in search of unforgettable moments in this region, Amazonas offers a perfect setting, as it is in the heart of the Amazon Forest.
    For those who are adept at Sport Fishing, Tucunaré Fishing and other Amazonian Fish, we have the best in the world in this segment.
    Vip Transporte e Turismo transports fishermen by land to all of these fishing locations in Amazonas. Organize your Group or even individual, choose your destination and Pousada.

What to Expect


Additional Info

Ticket Information

Pickup/Drop off Information

Departure Inofrmation