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Top Haifa Luxury Special Occasions


Holy Jerusalem Private Tour

clock 9 to 11 hours
  • The best way to experience the holy city of Jerusalem is with a private tour, which will allow you to understand its complexity, learn about its rich history, experience the archeology and feel the culture. I love guiding, I love Jerusalem and the land of Israel and nothing makes me happier than to share this love with others. I present very rich...Read more

Off the Beaten Path in the Galilee

clock 7 to 9 hours
  • A unique tour covering amazing and exciting sites which are not that well known, yet they provide a very exciting experience, Beit Shearim - The city of Dead, a winery with social values and the most beautiful mosaics in the Holyland in Zippori. Rich history, exciting archeology, great wine, and a funky guide all combined in one tour.
    I love...Read more

In the footsteps of Jesus - Private Tour of Nazareth & the Sea of Galilee

clock 8 to 10 hours
  • To get a truly deep insight of the Holyland chose this private VIP tour with the most passionate, knowledgeable and fun guide!
    The journey in the footsteps of Jesus begins in Nazareth where we visit the annunciation churches. Then we will tour the areas where Jesus lived, taught and performed miracles - around the breathtaking Sea of...Read more

Haifa Highlights Private Tour

clock 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Haifa is truly a magical city. It has stunning views, amazing stories and the most beautiful gardens in the world. Those, and Haifa's rich history we are going to explore.

    As part of this private tour, we will enjoy the breathtaking views of the city and a private visit to the Baha'i Gardens to learn about its even more beautiful values....Read more

Haifa and Acco Private Tour

clock 7 to 8 hours
  • The most beautiful and unique cities along the coast of Israel are Haifa and Acre. I am an expert on those 2 cities and cannot wait to share my passion with you.
    Haifa - combining nature, mountains, surrounded by the sea and home of so many religions and traditions – the symbol of Coexistence.
    We will start our tour at Louis promenade with...Read more

Private Tour to Israel's Coastline - Caesarea, Haifa & Acre

clock 8 to 10 hours
  • This magical private tours offer a wide perspective about Israel's history, archeology, culture, nations, Food, and religions.
    A Tour that follows the ancient road of the sea “Via Maris”. We would start this day in Caesarea, an ancient city that was built 2000 years ago by King Herods. Continuing to Haifa, and the Bahai Gardens, while...Read more