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Stay Healthy Tips

Secure your Health

Creating a virtual plan for the trip is a matter of the brink of an eye but what's more important is that all the necessary preparations have been lined up properly. You will need to start with everything at least four to six weeks prior your trip. Go through the latest health updates for the country you're travelling and don't forget to check for the pre-traveling safety measures as well. NATHNAC's interactive world map and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office are good sources for this task.

You should know that there are certain vaccine preventable diseases, so get some advice for your travel vaccines. Some epidemics may require you to start with a prophylactic therapy in advance, like malaria. Preparing a health kit is always a wise thing to do. Fill it up with:

1. Antiseptic (with a small bandage)
2. Sunblock (factor 15+)
3. Analgesics/pain killers
4. Anti-diarrhoeal
5. Insect repellent

I would put strong emphasis on the sunscreen here because Skin cancer is the highest prevailing among all cancer types in UK. It doesn't matter if you'll be staying in-door or lying around on a beach, just make sure you stay in shade at peak hours, 11am-3pm.

Cover yourself using a hat, sunglasses or a T-shirt. Children need extra care, so protect them from sun burns at any cost. At the end don't assume things on your own. Just visit a Physician, while on trip or when you're back.

Carrying minimum luggage

It’s rather difficult for a lot of people, particularly women to comply to the fact that carrying minimum luggage when travelling is a safer option. It is true, when planning a family holiday to an entirely new destination, there are countless things which seem equally important at the time of packing. However, experts and frequent travellers agree that there are numerous advantages of carrying limited luggage on the way to, and returning from a holiday. The most prominent advantages include:...

  • Convenient and comfortable travelling without having to lug around several heavily loaded suitcases.
  • Less chances of having your baggage flagged as ‘overweight’ or ‘exceeding weight limit’ at airport security. Also, avoiding the awkwardness and embarrassment of having to throw out extra items to level the weight in the middle of the airport.
  • Easy and efficient unpacking upon reaching the destination
  • Spending less time looking for items when you need them in your suitcases. This gives you more time to explore a new country, new destinations and less time looking for shoes, bags, accessories or diaper for your baby
  • Less chances of misplacing items or losing count of your belongings
  • Packing essentials only gives you more time to plan out an adventurous family holiday instead of fretting about pre-travel shopping
  • Light packing for your holiday allows you more space to conveniently bring back souvenirs and shopping without exceeding your weight limit.
Health Check-up prior to Traveling

It is necessary to have health check-up prior to traveling in order to have safe and healthy journey with enjoyment. In a check-up, physician checks that whether the person's health permits him/her to travel, some medicines are suggested to bring for the management of minor diseases which a person may face during traveling; also some vaccinations are injected for keeping the traveller safe from various pathogens. Booklets or information sheets are also given having essential tips for the maintenance of health according to a particular location a person is traveling to. In these check-ups health practitioners guide about the precautionary measures which a traveller has to take in order to stay in good health. The weather condition of the place for where the person is traveling is also a major factor of the vulnerability of a person to get disease...

Children and elderly people should especially consult a health professional as they are more susceptible to get diseases because of their weak immune system. The traveller who is already suffering from any disease must visit his/her consultant prior to traveling. The diseases or disorders common to traveling are motion sickness, yellow fever, respiratory problem, hypoxia, traveller's diarrhoea, malaria, meningitis, dehydration, wound and pain. The traveller must bring basic analgesics, antibiotics, ophthalmic preparations, vitamins and dietary supplements, first aid contents, antidiarrheal, antihistamines, decongestants and cough medicines in the medication kit in order to manage and combat any upset or contamination.